Monday, October 26, 2009

Science Unit Project - Due NOV. 9

Choose one of the following projects:

1. Plant Parts Poster – use old magazines or catalogs along with markers, colored pencils, or other art materials to make a poster of a plant. Draw or label the following parts and explain what each does: root, stem, leaf, flower, cells, seeds.

2. Digestive System Poster – Make a poster showing the path of spaghetti with meatballs through the digestive system. Begin in the mouth and end in the large intestine. First, decide what kinds of nutrients are in each food. Then identify the part of the digestive system where each kind of nutrient is broken down. Label all the parts on your poster.

3. Parts of a Flower – Observe a flower. If a real flower is not available, you may use a photograph of one. Draw a sketch or make a model of the flower and label its parts. Explain the function of each part.

Due Date: Monday, November 9

You will be graded on:

Following Directions (Did you do what was asked?)

Accuracy of Information (Is your information true?)

Neatness and Creativity


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